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Open consultation hours

Below you will find more information about when and where the open consultation hours of the psychosocial counselling service take place.

The open consultation hours are intended to  give you a first orientation regarding your current situation. We operate a walk-in-concept,  i.e. you do not have to make an appointment for the open consultation hours in advance. As a rule, a conversation in the open consultation hour last about 30 minutes per person. This gives several students the opportunity to speak with one psychologist and we usually see four students during the two-hour open consultation session.

However, you may have to wait. If, contrary to expectations, a conversation takes longer or there are too many students who wish to speak to us during the open consultation hours, you can make an individual appointment. Additionally you may visit us during the next open consultation hour.

ServiceCenter Campus Westend

(no appointment needed)

Our open consultation hours also take place during the lecture-free period!

Tuesday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.Language and cultural studies buidling, Ground floor
Thursday1 p.m. to 3 p.m.Language and cultural studies buidling, Ground floor

Frankfurt University for Music and Performing Arts

(no appointment needed)

During summer term 2025 open consultation hours take place during the lecture period on Wednesdays about twice per month.

Wednesday, May 7, 20252 p.m. to 4 p.m.Gervinusstraße 15, room 115
Wednesday, May 21, 20252 p.m. to 4 p.m.Gervinusstraße 15, room 115
Wednesday, June 4, 20252 p.m. to 4 p.m.Gervinusstraße 15, room 115
Wednesday, June 18, 20252 p.m. to 4 p.m.Gervinusstraße 15, room 115
Wednesday, July 2, 20252 p.m. to 4 p.m.Gervinusstraße 15, room 115

University of Art and Design in Offenbach

(no appointment needed)

During summer term 2025 open consultation hours take place during the lecture period about once per month.

Friday, April 25, 202510 a.m. to 12 16
Friday, May 23, 202510 a.m. to 12 16
Friday, July 4, 202510 p.m. to 12 16

LoKI Open consultation

(no appointment needed)

LoKI stands for Lokale KrisenIntervention (Local Crisis Intervention) and is a project of the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main. LoKI offers regular consultation hours for all those who are not doing so well emotionally.
The service is open to Frankfurt students. The service is free of charge and anonymous.
Consultation hours usually take place every 14 days. For consultation hours see here ►