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MainSWerk study loan

If you find yourself in a financial bottleneck within your studies and need support for your living, you can apply for a interest-free study loan.


  • studies at one of the following universities
    - Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main
    - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
    - RhineMain University of Applied Sciences
    - Geisenheim University
    - Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
    - Offenbach University of Art and Design
  • payment of the semester fees to the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main
  • relying on financial support for securing one’s living
  • option of providing a bailsman

Excellent performance

  • loan total and payments are flexbile within the guideline frames
  • maximum total of 6.000 EUR
  • monthly-rated payments of maximum 1.000 EUR
  • 5% of the loan total are administrative costs
  • interest-free loan, no further costs for a regular payment process
  • if maximum loan total not yet used, a master’s degree can be financially supported after the bachelor’s degree
  • Support for study-related stays abroad up to 6.000  EUR possible

    Fair payment conditions

    • repayment begins 12 months after the last paid rate in a direct debit procedure of monthly 150 EUR
    • early loan repayment is possible at any given time and at any given amount
    • if financial difficulties occur, other repayment solutions are possible
    • While studying for a master’s degree directly after a financially supported bachelor’s degree, the repayment can be postponed interest-free to six months after the master’s standard study period

    Visit our Advising Centre for a briefing!

    FAQs about the MainSWerk Study loan