Bodies and structures
The Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main works closely together with the universities, but is also legally independent upon these as a public agency. The law of the Studierendenwerke at the universities of Hessian regulates which Studierendenwerke are responsible for the universities, which duties are to be fulfilled by these, and with which means the duties are to duties are to be perceived.
By law and through the actual executive board, the Studierendenwerke ought to guarantee that their economic facilities exclusively and immediately fulfil non-profit puposes. The bodies of the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main are the administrative and executive board.
The Hessian Studierendenwerke are subject to the legal supervision of the Hessian Ministry for Science and the Arts.
The following belong to the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main administrative board by law:
- the president of Goethe University as chairperson*
- the president of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences*
- the president of RhineMain University of Applied Sciences*
- the president of Geisenheim University*
- a president of both art universities*
- two professors of Goethe University
- two students of Goethe University
- a student of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
- a student of RhineMain University of Applied Sciences
- a student of Geisenheim University
- a student of both art universities
- two employees of the Studierendenwerk
*who can be substituded by another member of the executive committee
Executive Director: Konrad Zündorf
The executive director represents the Studierendenwerk judicial and extrajudicial. He is the commissioner of budget and supervisor of the Studierendenwerk employees.
Members of the administrative board