Frequently asked questions

We would like to give you some initial guidance with these FAQs. You can obtain detailed advice on the MainSWerk loan from the social and financial Advisory Service► of the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main.

No, neither legally nor factually. The MainSWerk study loan is an independent funding programme.

A MainSWerk study loan is granted to students who are in need of financial support. The loan must be repaid in full. The funding period is determined according to the student's needs. The borrower must provide a directly enforceable guarantee from a guarantor or a bank for each loan.

There is no legal entitlement to a MainSWerk study loan!

Guarantors can be natural persons, public institutions and banks. Natural persons must provide evidence of a net income above the garnishment allowance, less maintenance obligations, and be resident in Germany. Non-EU citizens also require a permanent residence permit. A family relationship is not required.


No, the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main does not work with Schufa.





You can obtain the application documents and all other information from the Social and Financial Advisory Service of the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main. in The contact details can be found in the Advising & Financing

Yes, but the monthly funding amount from BAföG and MainSWerk student loans should not exceed EUR 1.000 per month.

No. Decide for yourself which period of Bachelor's and Master's studies you want to support. You then only apply for the loan for the Bachelor's program.

If you have not yet received the maximum funding for your Bachelor's degree, you can apply for a further loan for your Master's degree.

Yes, if you are enrolled at a university assigned to the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main, pay the semester fee and can provide a guarantee.

If several loans are granted, the repayment terms are based on the terms of the last loan granted, i.e. the repayment date of the previous loans is postponed to the repayment date of the last loan. The loans are then repaid one after the other with a monthly installment.

If there is evidence of need, the repayment due date can be postponed interest-free for up to twelve months after the end of the standard period of study. The application must be submitted to the office of the Darlehenskasse der Studierendenwerke e.V. in Cologne, which is responsible for the processing and administration of MainSWerk student loans. If the funded first degree course is followed by a consecutive Master's course, this regulation can be applied again in the Master's course.

The office of the Darlehenskasse der Studierendenwerke e.V. in Cologne, which is responsible for the processing and administration of MainSWerk student loans, can set later repayment dates or reduce the monthly installment for a limited period of time at the request of the person taking out the loan. The application must be submitted to the office in Cologne.

If the repayment is due within a consecutive Master's degree program, the office of the Studierendenwerke e.V. loan fund in Cologne, which is responsible for the processing and administration of the MainSWerk student loans, can postpone the repayment due date to a date up to twelve months after the end of the standard period of study of the Master's degree program without interest upon request if there is evidence of need. Please contact the office in Cologne regarding the application modalities.

Earlier repayments than envisaged are possible at any time and at any amount.

Yes, this is possible if you inform us that you will waive further payments and/or present a certificate of de-enrollment.