Studying with a child
Supporting pregnant students and students with children is particularly important to us. With our services, we contribute to more family-friendly universities. We support childcare services► at the universities we support: from the children's room, which parents can use on their own responsibility, to hourly care by specialists, to daycare centers close to the university or emergency care.
With our Family Card►, children of student parents can eat cheaply in our canteens and cafeterias.
We are also happy to advise you on questions and topics that often play a role in connection with studying and children, such as which social benefits and other financial aid are available for you or your offspring, what to consider when taking a leave of absence or switching to part-time studies, what applies to part-time jobs for pregnant women or what the situation is with maintenance claims. For individual advice, please contact our Social and Financial Advisory Service►

DSW Flyer "Studium mit Kind finanzieren" (only available in German)