We arrange the catering for students in our canteens and cafeterias, their affordable accommodation and their economic support through BAfoeG. Beyond this, we offer consultation for financial, legal, social and psychosocial matters. With this we construct general conditions for you to be able to concentrate on your studies.
For more than 100 years, the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main has stood for a successful, non-profit solidarity model: Our services are financed through public funds as well as equal semester contributions of all students, even though these may not use one or more of these services. Additionally, income is given through rent and our gastronomical facilities. In doing so, we act commercially and economize in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB).
Based on partnership, our financial offers are designed with students in consideration of economic, social and ecological aspects. These are open to all students of our universities.
Nowadays, many young people need financial support in order to study successfully. The Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main engages in the raise of the BAfoeG rates. Besides, it is important to us to react promptly to good consultation and quick BAfoeG services.
Students from financially weak families, but also students from abroad, rely on cheap accommodation opportunities of the Studierendenwerk. Especially the latter are without a chance in the private housing market because of their terminated stay and language barriers.
The students’ needs for advising and support in regards to social financial, legal and psychosocial matters increased dramatically. Our advising offers diminish obstacles during studies and enable students to study successfully. The needs of international students, who need orientation and support in a completely new living environment, are especially respected.
For students with a child adequate child care is a significant condition for a successful university degree. We would like to maintain the existing places and establish further ones through commercial support.
The Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main offers students high-quality, but cheap catering in its canteens and cafeterias. Following increased number of students and amended studying structures, we established new facilities and customized the opening hours of many of these.
We accept our social responsibility and purchase healthy foods, preferably from regional producers. Apart from this, we continuously expand our range of vegetarian and vegan meals. Corporate hygiene, energy saving and clean waste water are our key concerns!
The Studierendenwerk Frankfurt am Main employees work under the civil service collective agreement (TVöD) of the Federal State of Hesse.